A mobile app that venues or DJs can use to create playlists and allow local users to request and vote up preferred tracks. The idea began as an app that would include reviews of venues based primarily on music choice. However, that alone would not be an interesting app that would keep users engaged. The idea quickly evolved into a new way for people to have some influence over the music in a venue.
Restaurants, bar, clubs. and even DJs could create their own networks and playlists. When a user is within range, they can view a playlist to see upcoming tracks and vote up their favorite songs. The owner (venue or DJ) of a playlist can view the most requested songs and plan accordingly.

The first version of the app was mapped out, wireframed, and developed into an early prototype for user testing. he prototype revealed some gaps within the use flows and provided a first look at how the app would be structured. A quick look at the initial design makes it clear that the music did not appear to be the main focus and the app seemed unfamiliar without establishing a name, logo, brand, and more focused visual system.
It was also apparent that a white screen could be a distraction in a darker atmosphere, such as a bar or club, so the while many of the screens were switched to a darker scheme, the white screens would be reserved for pages that would be used less frequently.